Only the wise shall understand

Choosing to be an 0vercome is choosing the narrow way, Matt 7:14 the few are the wise one because the believe in the only wise God, 1 Tim I:17, Jude 1:25, only the wise shall understand, Dan 12:10, Rev 22:14, the commandments of God made the children of the kingdom wise for the Lord said my son attend to my word, Prov 4:20–22, So overcomes are the ones that win soul’s for the kingdom of God, Prov 11:30. The parable of the ten virgins,five were wise and five were foolish, Matt 25:2 the bible say the wise took oil in their vessel with their lamps,vas 4,  the word of God is the oil in the lamp, Psalm 119:105, the level of the word in a man determine the level of oil in him, the bible say, let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, Colo 3:16, the wise shall understand for the word and his spirit made the five to be wise, the bible say, But there is a spirit in a man and the inspiration of the ALMIGHTY giveth understanding. Job 32:8 this is the power of revelation that sustain their lamps, don’t forget many are called, but rather very few were chosen, Jesus Christ is for the ready soul’s not for the sleeping multitude,we have to wake up and get ready and wait for Christ. The bible say none of the wicked shall understand, how do we know the wicked? The bible say, For among my people are found wicked men, they lay wait as he that settech snares , they set a trap, they catch men. Jer 5:26–27.  The fellow the broad way instead of the narrow way,  The are full of argument, empty barrels that make a lot of noise, carrying lamps without oil, The cause division and believe to be better than others. Beloved reader please allow the invisible oil even the holy Ghost to enter and occupy your spirit,May good God even the Lord establish all your joyful reading Amen.

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