Christ need our heart

Faith is for the new testament believes, the word trust is found 152 times in the old testament, blessed are all thy that put there trust in him. Faith mene’s, to trust God’s promises more than our current circumstances, luke 5:5, remember without faith it is impossible to please God. (If we want to operate in faith we must be out of our mind)Faith  destroy our own words  and stand Goɗs word in our lives.Faith come by hearing, faith is like a small lamp in  a dark that can not show all things at ones, but show enough light for the next step to be safe, the more we study and trust we grow in faith. Faith help us to know our position in Christ, faith reduce labor.Matt 17:20.
Please we should not alloy the natural things to take over the place of spiritual things our heart,Prov 23:26 remember no gift is aspected until we give him our 💓 the place of spiritual things, for our heart is for his word, prayer without his word is abomination. Prov 28:9. Please Christ need our heart, Rev 3:20 so that when he come he will fine faith. Trials God allow, build our faith. Psalm 66:12. Stay safe he is our Lord and God.