you have fasted and prayed seriously to God, you have not received what you are asking for, have you diligently searched your heart and mind if you have keep back the vow you made to God.Num 30:2, Note It is a great evil in the sight of the Lord to approach God with doubt and double-minded and unbelief which lead to bondage. Beware of double standard through your lips to avoid giving God or man false hope of what you will never fulfill. This sin cause spiritual . Blockade read again, better not to vow than to vow and not pay, ECC 5:5. Ethics of Biblical vows Deut 23:21. If we love Jesus we will keep his commandments, John 14:15, all solution in Jesus Christ, Matt 11:28, receive your long awaiting blessing and enjoy them Amen.
The road to success.
on the road to success listen to those that criticize you, to me the are your best advisers always find out why they were criticising you if you understand the message you will never blame anyone in life for blame bring arguments and argument takes people away from the way of truth. Jesus Christ said he sent us in the midst of wolves Matt 10:16. on the road to success we don’t have to be afraid but humble. A hunter killed an eagle and behind was an eaglet which he took home to train with his chicken,then the eaglet grew up into an Eagle. One day a heavy storm arose that all the chicks ran away for fear but the eagle took advantage of the storm to soar to a greater heights, Challenges in life of a Christian are many, psa.34:19 this is the storm we must face as Christian, to rise to a greater height like the eagle. finally on the road to success we need to be fearless, take note of your passion and determination and draw strength from the word of God.
The debt of love.
Romans 13:8,–owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. Christian love is God himself, this is what we owe to everyone. Brethren we have to give God’s life or good news to everyman, it is a debt, we owe everyman this love, love is both personality, is God in man’s spirit producing God’s guality lifestyle toward one another. Love endures very long. Love is not selfish or self-centred. Love does not think evil anytime. Remember love is the first fruit of the spirit,Gal 5:22. Love is our father,1john 4:8. Own no man anything, we should proclaim the Gospel in every situation where we find ourselves, that the only way to show God’s love.1cor 9:16.
Salvation chaste out fear.(breaking the fear of old age)
When zacchaeus believed, Luke 19:8-10, Jesus Christ said, this day is salvation come to this house, zacchaeus faith in Jesus Christ affected his whole life and family, on more fear. Why did Caleb have confidence in the Lord, because he knew that the power of God never grow old, Josh 14:6-15, brethren at 80 Caleb take the hill land,ask military officer,the will tell you how difficult is to fight in a hill country, success is not in the plan land but in the hill, stop being afraid of old age, take your mountain as Caleb did,with God in you is victory.your commitments to your family, society, and to the Lord Jesus Christ will keep you focus on helping,loveing, serving others and not old age, remember the blood of Jesus Christ renews our age as a child of God,2cor 5:17. ROM 15:4,cast out fear life is a warfare, the Lord who allow it is for Christ, your spiritual life is our concern. God bless you Amen.
What we all should know (MYSTERY)
The church which is the body of Christ, Eph 1:22-23 , the image of God, Colo 1:15 was the first Nation in the whole universe, this nation the church is not natural but spiritual,1cor 15;5-6, the bible say he come to his own his own receive him not but as many that receive him to them he gave power to become the son’s of God, john 1:10-12, now theose who receive him are the sanctifie çity of God,Matt 5:4, separated for the heavenly city, remember only Jesus Christ can open the understanding of his own.luke 24:45.
Which stood only in meat and drinks, and divers washing, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of Reformation HEB 9:10(KJV Bible)
Jesus Christ came with God’s new and better way.
For us to love because he loves us
For us to forgive because he has forgiven us
For us to speak the same thing, for he is the word, to teach children of the kingdom not to be selfish, remember the Gold that must be gold must pass thorough purifying fire,for the unity of the spirit Eph.4:3
Every marriage need Jesus
John 2:1–2 Jesus Christ was invited to a marriage in Cana, and Cana means jealousy where there is jealousy there is division,anger, bitterness, confusion,he was there to cast out jealousy from the we need this first miracle, for this purpose the son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil in every marriage.Are u confused over what is happening in your marriage?and you want to quit, remember every temptation has a solution, beloved the Devil is jealous of your marriage,but Jesus Christ has the answer 2chron 7:14 follow this scripture prayfully and you will have testimony.
Don’t throw the towel
The Devil does not go where there is nothing,if you have nothing, If you are nothing he will never attack you or set a barrier against you,if you don’t know what Jesus Christ can do,when he turn things around to the other side you will be in believe in Jesus Christ.
The Lord gave the word: great was the company that publishe it.
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