Submission to the Lord.

Our faith producer’s separation from the world and submission to the Lord Jesus Christ who love us and gave himself to us, the same faith is waiting patiently for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you dwell in Jesus and Jesus in you, the world will not understand you because you have known the truth. Now understand that challenges and crises of life are for your promotion never be intimidated, you have overcome them in Christ,1johnv4:4, for in Christ you have the life of peace, strength, good health and prosperity, a life of glory and power, colo 1:27. Christ is our guarantee of a Victoria’s life. Lean how to trust him and follow his word and to put it at work in your life. Beloved remember trials come and go and faith understands temptations, faith is the doer of the word, faith obeys the word, this is why apostle Paul said i nolong live but Christ lives in me, Gal 2:20. This faith was delivered to the saints by Jesus Christ. God bless you all Amen.

2021 you are welcome.

All the children of the kingdom will go in the strength of the Lord God, we will mention of his righteousness only. May the Lord bless you Amen.

Joy in heaven.

Luke 15:10, You have been promise dollars to find a missing person, why are you tired of searching? Stop being afraid of the giant, Number 14:9. remember the that sow in tears shall reap in joy. May we be connected to the Spirit of life (Jesus Christ Amen)

Every marriage needs Jesus prt 2

Every marriage in Christ is full of hopes and dreams for their future life together. But the road to a happy marriage is never easy, without Jesus And as today’s divorce statistics demonstrate all too well, many couples opt not to complete the journey.It would be easy to blame our high rate of not spending enough quality time together, allowing bitterness and resentment to build in our hearts and failing to keep communication lines open. forgiveness and communication are vitally important to creating a happy marriage, if such things aren’t happening, it’s usually a sign of a much deeper problem. And until this problem is addressed, no amount of external behavior modification will work.To get a hint of what this deeper issue might be, let’s take a look at the following Scripture passage:One of them, an expert in the law, tested him [Jesus] with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied:“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:35-40) Now who is your neighbour? Do we know that our first neighbour is ourselves,so if we love ourselves we Will be able to love our partner (which is our second neighbour) Believe that virtually every marital problem can be traced back to one or both partners failing to abide by these two laws(love). The same is true of any relationship. The minute we begin to focus on our own wants and needs over those of God or our partner; we’re destined for trouble.Experiencing communication problems in your marriage? How often do you really focus on listening to what your partner (or God) has to say instead of insisting on more airtime? Feeling bitterness and resentment growing toward your partner? When was the last time you brought him or her before the Lord in prayer and truly thanked God for your relationship? Struggling to find quality time together? How about praying with your partner and asking God how he would like you to use your time?As you begin to do these things, you’ll notice that your focus automatically starts to shift away from you and your desires and over to God and your partner. As a result, communication problems begin to improve, anger and resentment fade away and you naturally want to spend more time together. Of course, you can’t expect such changes to happen overnight. Your relationship is also bound to face financial pressures, child-rearing issues and other problems that are beyond your control. But if you commit your relationship to Jesus for he said come unto me. Your  decision each day to put Jesus our saviour and your partner first, your marriage will be able to control any storm. Not only that; you’ll also have peace, john 14:27,together along the way, if you agree with us, say this prayer.“Dear Lord Jesus, thank you so much for bringing us together as a couple. We know that you have a plan and a purpose for our marriage, and we invite you, Lord Jesus, to forgive the past self-centeredness, and come into our relationship. Direct our steps from now on. Please give us the grace to put You and each other first every day. Make our relationship a blessing to others. But most of all; make it a blessing to You. Amen.

We are the light bearers

Philippians 2:12 wherefore my beloved as you have always obeyed not as in my presence only but now much more in my absence work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. What does it mean to `work out your salvation`? Many people mistakenly think Paul was telling us to work for our salvation. But Jesus say in john 6:28–29 to believe in him is the only work, beloved your salvation experience isn’t the end of your spiritual journey. He say take my yoke upon you and learn from Me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your soul for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.(to work is to rest in Christ)

Once you have trusted Jesus as Savior, you now begine to live out what he give you, which is His abundant life. When you’ve given your heart to Him, the Holy Spirit now indwells in your heart, He is with you forever. It is God’s Spirit working in and through you that empowers you to live out your salvation. The degree to which you yield to Him impacts the work in you, and the changes He will effect in your life.

To work, is you start to study the Bible and learning.1pet 2:1–2, As your faith and relationship with the Lord develop, you will begin to notice Him moving in your life. When you share your faith and your blessings with others, you’ll notice God working through even more avenues. Keep following Him, and you will see the seed He planted flourishing you, (Isaiah 55:10-11). So when Scripture says we’re to `work out [our] salvation,` it means we need to reverently live out what’s already been given to us—and allow the life of Christ to come fully to fruition. Your salvation should become an expression of Jesus’ life wherever you are. As you preach the gospel among your friends and family, on the job, in school, and even with strangers, God’s Spirit will energize you to make a difference and impact others—in other words, to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). To work is to shine as lighter in this let your faith have work, faith without work is not faith, our faith producers separation from the world and submission to Jesus Christ who love us and gave himself for us. Brethren may the grace of God be with your spirit, Amen and Amen.

The good shepherd

Don’t throw the towel, we have a saviour, his name is Jesus Christ. when God made man he speaks a word and when he want to save mankind he suffer,”The good shepherd” One of his mission was to heal the broken hearted, he is the same yesterday, today, and forever HEB 13:8.The shepherd heart of the Lord, Luke 8:43, and John 8:3–7,the woman of issue of blood touched the Lord and Jesus Christ did not rebuke the woman for touching him in her unclean state, and the woman  that was caught up in adultery, help come down to our level”. IT takes a good shepherd to come down to the level of a hurting and bleeding sheep 🐑, God become flash to identify with our pain and weakness. a true shepherd will allow even the dirtiest sheep to come close for comfort.”no shepherd will condemn or go to sleep when his sheet are growing in agonising pain”.He gave his life for his sheep, john 10:11. and we become the sheep of his pasture.psalm 100:3.Don’t throw the towel”He strengthed those that are weak and tired, Jesus Christ is our second chance, apart from him there’s no salvation,no justification, and no grace, his compassion Fail not, remember only his word clean ones heart. all we have to do is to take advantage of the purity Christ purchased with his sacrifice on the cross.when we know this we will not measure our self with our colleague but measure our self with what the Lord is doing in our life, for the strength of the sheep is the shepherd. (Paslm 23) I pray may the Lord Jesus Christ revive his work in our lives, Amen. Now say this prayer

Thank you my father for your word that come to me today,l receive your impartation today and ascend higher in everything I am involved,in Jesus name Amen.

Salvation comes through Christ

Acts 4:12 “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.Jesus came to redeem us from the curse of the law and by His blood we are cleansed.Joshua the high priest was wearing a filthy garment without knowing. Zech 3:1, and the Lord is the only one to transforms guilty sinners. There are two types of spiritual garments; that of salvation and that of righteousness.Isaiah 61:10 “I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorneth herself with her jewels.”Your conversion earns you salvation, but you need to grow in grace by the Spirit of Christ to be clothed in His righteousness. The Ten virgins were Christians who experienced salvation together, i.e. they had the garments of salvation. But those with oil (a symbol of the Holy Spirit) were recognized as having the garment of righteousness because they paid some price to store up treasure for sustaining the light which they received at the time of their salvation and therefore qualified to enter the kingdom. At the time of giving your  heart to Christ, your spirit become the candle of the Lord (Prov20:27) receives light from the Spirit of God.Psalms 18:28 “For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.”However, there is a price you must pay to sustain the glowing of the light otherwise the lamp will gradually be going out, just as it was in the time of Eli and Samuel (1Sam3:1-4). Eli did not know because his eyes were going so dim. If you pay more attention to the intensity of the light in you, you will know that the lamp needs refilling. The careless person will not pay attention to that, not to talk of having any reserve. To store up oil, you need to pay for it. To sustain the light you receive at salvation you need some spiritual sacrifices to make which are the prices you pay; praying, fasting, studying the word of God and walking in the spirit. These are what the Holy Spirit use to grow you into Christ likeness which qualifies you for the robe of righteousness. Garment of Salvation is a gift but you will have to work for that of righteousness as a reward; gift is different from reward. According to Matthew6:33, you must seek for ‘righteousness’The presence of the Holy Spirit is the presence of heavenly nature, i.e. the righteousness of God. You need to maintain the relationship with Him, but to do that, there is a price to pay. To have Him, let your heart be opened to Him  as he said my son give me your heart. Pro 23:26, and the word of God to continually illuminate it. That is the only way to enjoy the fullness of Christ’s salvation.Let us seek for the old path where we could find rest. Jer 6:16 Let us listen to the trumpet’s sound, wherewith we could escape the calamity to come. Keep the fire burning Jesus is Lord.

Christ need our heart

Faith is for the new testament believes, the word trust is found 152 times in the old testament, blessed are all thy that put there trust in him. Faith mene’s, to trust God’s promises more than our current circumstances, luke 5:5, remember without faith it is impossible to please God. (If we want to operate in faith we must be out of our mind)Faith  destroy our own words  and stand Goɗs word in our lives.Faith come by hearing, faith is like a small lamp in  a dark that can not show all things at ones, but show enough light for the next step to be safe, the more we study and trust we grow in faith. Faith help us to know our position in Christ, faith reduce labor.Matt 17:20.
Please we should not alloy the natural things to take over the place of spiritual things our heart,Prov 23:26 remember no gift is aspected until we give him our 💓 the place of spiritual things, for our heart is for his word, prayer without his word is abomination. Prov 28:9. Please Christ need our heart, Rev 3:20 so that when he come he will fine faith. Trials God allow, build our faith. Psalm 66:12. Stay safe he is our Lord and God.

Awake to true reality

Remember ye not the former things neither Consider the things of old. Isaiah 43:18(KJV).                          This is a command from the Lord, remember not ,To remember simply means to get back to the rejected vomit or  anything that was once forgotten and all evil things from your mind. 2 neither consider, To consider your old defeats, don’t think of it, don’t allow condemnetion, Beloved don’t be of opinion that Satan has power, let this be in your mind, you have change environment and citizenship, out of old to the new family of God in Christ. Eph 2:19,2 Cor 5:17 quick worries, you have worried enough the time to throw the towel to the imprisonment of the past is now, our total freedom is in the divine hearing of the word of God which we keep.   Value the good news of the kingdom,  The Lord Jesus Christ said, the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent ye and believe the gospel. Mark 1:15(kjv).  Draw the curtain against the past evil(voimt) and open your heart and welcome this divine change in Jesus name Amen..What a victory on the cross of Calvary known as GOLGOTHA a place of skull our portion of slavery from Satan, there he finished his fight and brought us into the relative kingdom where we relate with him for Christ is our champion, this is what grace has done, blotting out the hanɗwriting of ordinances that is against us, Colo 2:14–15. The devil 😈 is a thief.The son of man has make us free, I Am FREE in his kingdom, CHRIST IS MY DAY 2pet 1:19.   His goodness is what Lead us to repentance,Rom 2:4, begin to enjoy the goodness and mercies of God to fulfill your destiny.   Confession of freedom, Death and life are in the power of the tongue,  Pro 18:21. Words are like bullet when it is gone out it can not return back, what you say tells of you, the Lord said, so shall my word be that Goest forth out of my mouth, it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing where I sent it. Is 55:11 (KJV).  Negative speech belong to Satan, he watches a man who confess it.. what you confess you have,Mark 11:24 we  have a sound mind from the spirit of his son, sound mind produce sound word. Brethren God has blessed your tongue to connect with blessings use it and Live a fulfilling destiny. May your joy increase as you study these message,Amen

Our trust delights God

When Christ will return to Earth; he shall come with his father that dwells in him, john 14:10, he shall come as a final hope for all who truly believe that God was in Christ, he shall come as eternal habitation to accommodate the spirit of all who are sanctified in him, blessed is the man whose strength is in the Lord Jesus Christ whose heart is set on pilgrimage,he shall pass the valley of weeping and will grow from strength to strength and will appear before him in Zion.       

IN A TIME LIKE THIS that there world is in fear, don’t forget that Satan is behind what is happening. the more you listen to the world news the more you fear, for also fear comes by hearing. please brethren rewake your spirit with the message of the kingdom, and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a fiood after the woman (the church) that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. Rev12:15–17 Though we live in the world we don’t wage war like the world, for the weapon of our welfare is divine, faith destroy our own words and stand. God’s word in our lives to trust in the Lord is safety. Don’t fear, God is still in charge,  MAY THE LORD BLESS AND KEEP YOU IN THIS EVIL DAYS AMEN.