on the road to success listen to those that criticize you, to me the are your best advisers always find out why they were criticising you if you understand the message you will never blame anyone in life for blame bring arguments and argument takes people away from the way of truth. Jesus Christ said he sent us in the midst of wolves Matt 10:16. on the road to success we don’t have to be afraid but humble. A hunter killed an eagle and behind was an eaglet which he took home to train with his chicken,then the eaglet grew up into an Eagle. One day a heavy storm arose that all the chicks ran away for fear but the eagle took advantage of the storm to soar to a greater heights, Challenges in life of a Christian are many, psa.34:19 this is the storm we must face as Christian, to rise to a greater height like the eagle. finally on the road to success we need to be fearless, take note of your passion and determination and draw strength from the word of God.